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Cassiano Rodrigues


20 years old

Personal data

Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Dusky
Hair: Brown
Height: 1,74
Weight: 64 kg


The Nutcracker – Harlequin doll
The Nutcracker – Mouses
The Nutcracker – Waltz of the Flowers
The Nutcracker – Grossvater
Don Quixote – Gypsy dance
Don Quixote – Seguidilla
Sword variation - 3rd act from Don Quixote
Giselle – Peasants
Albrecht - Variation of 2nd act
Raymond – Mazurka of 3rd act
Le Corsaire – Grand pas de deux
Prince Igor – Polovitzianas Dances, Turkish.
Contemporary Solo - Moving (coreographer - Cassiano Rodrigues)
Contemporary Solo - Ensejo (coreographer - Cassilene Abranches)
Contemporary Excerpts: Lucky UO revés (coreographer - Alex Neoral)
Contemporary Excerpts – Work in progress (coreographer - Henrique Talmah)
Contemporary Duo – Over my eyes (coreographer – Lucas Axel)
Contemporary Trio – Three Acts by chance (coreographer - Lucas Axel)
Contemporary Ensemble - Ariana ( coreographer - Cassilene Abranches)


Classical Dance – Cecícila Kercher - Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Lobatto - Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Toshi Kobayashy – YAGP, Rosani Garcia – School of dance Fire Bird, Galia Kravichenco - Bolshoi Brazil, Bruna Felicio - Bolshoi Brazil, Dimitri Afanasiev - Bolshoi Brazil, Maikon Golini - Bolshoi Brazil, Ludmila Sinelnikova, Cosme Gregory - Foco cia. De Dança, Denys Nevidomyy - Bolshoi Brazil, Larissa Araújo - Bolshoi Brazil, Galina Kozlova - Bolshoi Brazil, Germana Saraiva - Bolshoi Brazil, Antonietta Uptown - Bolshoi Brazil, Yulia Vasiliyeva - Bolshoi Brazil, Maxim Vasilyev - Bolshoi Brazil, Valdimir Sychev - Bolshoi Brazil, Ludmila Sycheva - Bolshoi Brazil, Airat Khakimov - Bolshoi Brazil, Vladimir Vasilyev - Ballet Bolshoi Theatre and Peter Breuer - Salzburg.

Contemporary - Amarildo Cassiano - Bolshoi Brazil, Erika Rosendo - Bolshoi Brazil, Ariate Costa - Bolshoi Brazil, Alex Sores – Ballet from São Paulo City and Grupo Corpo - Cassilene Abranches.

Drama - Sabrina Lermem - Bolshoi Brazil, Leticia Souza - Bolshoi Brazil and Bruna Felicio – Bolshoi Brazil, Euclides Franco - Brazil

Flamenco dance - Iracy Prades - School of dance Fire Bird, Juliana Avó - School of dance Fire Bird, Bernado Barros ''Maluk'' From Spanish

Jazz Dance – Allan Douglas - D Station, Voney Souza - School of dance Fire Bird


Cassiano Rodrigues began his studies in dance in February 2004, but in 2011 formalized your studies at the School of the Bolshoi Theatre in Brazil, graduating in Classical Dance in 2015. The studies included others areas as Contemporary dance, Flamenco dance and Jazz dance. Currently he is working at Cia Junior of School Bolshoi Theater in Brazil.